Spending just got that much more rewarding. Earn points with each purchase that can be spent on all sorts of perks.

You earn bonus points for every purchase you make with your TriStar Bank debit card, which you can redeem for great awards. To see what's available to you, create an account at ScoreCardRewards.com. Then log in to see the collection of items you can get with your points.

  • Merchandise – get electronics, home goods, personal items, and more from the best brands like Apple®, Michael Kors®, Samsung®, Bose®, Black & Decker®, Pandora®, Nike®, Ray-ban®, Keurig®, Weber®, and more.
  • Travel – get travel accommodations such as hotel stays at top properties, airfare, car rentals, cruises, etc. Anywhere you want to go, you can use your bonus points to get there.
  • Gift Cards – you can use your points for gift cards too, including iTunes®, Xbox LIVE®, or for movie tickets.
  • And much more