With age comes experience — and great checking. Earn even more with tiered rates and exclusive TriStar discounts.
Key Features
Earn Tiered Interest
Exclusive Perks
Refunds on ATM Surcharge Fees
Free Digital Banking
- Value-added checking for ages 62 and better
- Interest-bearing checking for higher balances:
- Balances over $10,000 earn interest
- Tiered rates reward higher balances
- Unlimited check writing
- Avoid the monthly paper statement fee*:
- Maintain a minimum balance of $5,000, OR
- Maintain a total minimum balance of $10,000 in all TriStar Bank accounts, OR
- Agree to receive eDelivery (online statements)
- Up to 4 refunds on ATM surcharge fees, monthly
- Enjoy the added perks:
- Up to 2 free gold check orders (in-house printing) per year
- 50% off safe deposit box, annually
- Free wire transfers and cashiers checks
- Free digital banking services, including:
- Online banking & bill pay
- Mobile banking with mobile deposit
- eDelivery
- Free debit card
- Free email and text alerts**
- $100 minimum deposit to open
*Paper statement fees: $5.95 per month for mailed statements with images
**Depending on your wireless provider service, standard message and data rates may apply.